The Contributions of Georgia’s Geopolitics to the Country’s Economy


  • Haleddin Ibrahimli Çağ University, Turkey
  • Murat Koç Çağ University, Turkey



Geographical, Geopolitical, Hydrocarbon, Geographic Estimation, Transit, Security


This article investigates the effects of Georgia’s current geopolitical situation on the country’s economic development. Although Georgia lost control of the two strategic regions such as Abkhazia and Ossetia, right after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it maintained its geopolitical importance in the South Caucasus. In this context, the definition of geographical space was clarified in the article, and the recent situation in the South Caucasus, the changes in the region after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the results of these changes were evaluated. In addition, the advantages of Georgia’s geopolitical position and other additional issues affecting the economic development of this country were taken into account, the reflections on the problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia on Georgia were examined, and finally, comments on the future of the South Caucasus were made.


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