Literature and Sustainable Ecosystem: An Investigation of Selected African Literary Texts


  • Sikiru Adeyemi Ogundokun Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria



Literature, Sustainable, Ecosystem, Climate, African, Literary, Development


The fact that African literary works have gained considerable patronage in scholarly writings and debates. Most previous studies concern themselves with writers’ styles and themes, whereas inadequate attention has been paid to the ecological functionality of the texts. This study, therefore, interrogates the issue of climate change and its effects on the human race around the world. Adopting eco-criticism as a theoretical framework, a close reading of five purposively selected African literary texts was carried out, with content analysis applied as our methodology. The study reveals that there is a break away from the old tradition of praise songs for Africa as a continent and a blind attack on the colonial imperialists. In the selected texts, the writers demonstrate the environmental realities of modern society by depicting the indices of climate change and its adverse effects on man. It is observed that climate is the topmost factor that affects agriculture (crop and livestock production). Drought, flooding, and desertification often cause displacement of people and other living organisms, and only a safe environment can guarantee sustainable national development. The study concludes that the world needs to come together in the fight against environmental degradation for sustainable development.


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