National-moral ideas in Aziza Jafarzadeh’s literary prose


  • Arzu Huseynova Sumgayit State University, Sumgayit, Azerbaijan



Aziza Jafarzade, literary prose, historical novel, divided homeland, national, problem, moral, integrity


The literary work of Aziza Jafarzade (1921-2003), one of the famous representatives of Azerbaijani literature, is distinguished by specificity and uniqueness in terms of ideological context. The writer’s novels, tales, and short stories have become the object of comprehensive analysis and have gained deserving recognition from literary critics for their singularity and aesthetic quality. The author gave preference to historical themes. Her works “Baku-1501”, “Before ‘Gulustan’,” “The Tears of the Khazar,” “Zarrintaj-Takhira” and “Woe,” written in different years, have become unique examples of Azerbaijani prose both for the urgency of the problems and specificity of form. Aziza Jafarzade, in her literary activity, addressed topics related to the history of Azerbaijan and skillfully turned the problems of national and moral problems into a literary text. This attitude allowed the author to depict in her work the history of the division of Azerbaijan by the hands of the imperialist states. That is why the split of Azerbaijan in two, the ideas of the unity and integrity of the nation attract attention in her works.


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