Peculiarities of developing text materials of modern media publications to increase their rating and reach a wider readership
expression, propaganda, information warfare, expressiveness, expressive, artistic imageAbstract
The transition to digital technologies and the remoteness of workplaces put forward new requirements in the textual materials of the mass media in order to increase the competitive advantages of individual online companies (editions) and the perception of readers. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to evaluate modern means of forming the perception and expressiveness of texts in an online format in order to maintain the loyalty of readers and website visitors. The article proves the need to improve the perception and expressiveness of text formats of online publications as a basic factor in increasing the competitiveness of media companies due to the expansion of the circle of readers and their retention as potential consumers of information products. It was noted that site visitors psychologically evaluate text materials on an emotional basis. Therefore, this aspect is fundamental in the formation of the relationship "consumer of information - emotional content of the text". The effectiveness of modern means of expressiveness of the Internet media regarding the presentation of text materials in Internet publications and stylistic design is noted. It is indicated that the further development of texts from the standpoint of emotional content is possible due to the use of innovative technologies based on artificial intelligence. Further research in the formation of textual materials should focus on the "editor-reader" relationship.
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