Effectiveness of linguistic and extralinguistic tools across English language comics during the perception of scientific information
verbal elements, paraverbal elements, verbal component, multimodal tools, verbal communication means, extralingual meansAbstract
The modern development of social communications in connection with the mass transition to the online mode of life and education becomes decisive. At the same time this tradition changes communication channels and information transmission due to their pedagogical and educational contexts. Monitoring consists in studying the saturation of these channels with verbal, visual and symbolic systems of signs that manifest the phenomenon of polymodality. One of the active channels of communication on the Internet has become comic as a form of verbal-visual communication. Verbal saturation in comics is considered as a system of worked-out rules, and drawings. System of signs is filled with the purpose and goals by author of the text. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of main directions of English-language comics for the reader's perception of scientific literature through the use of linguistic and extralinguistic features. The analytical and bibliographic method of scientific literature in the context of the applied verbal and paraverbal elements of the text is adopted. Regarding, a questionnaire was used to verify the practical aspects of the perception of the comics test The results of the study made it possible to hierarchically construct the types of verbal and extralingual means used in English-language comics, and to characterize the peculiarities of verbal and extralingual means from the viewpoint of polymodality of their use.
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