The Relationship between Learner Autonomy and Language Learning Strategies among English for Medical Purposes (EMP) Students in Turkey
ESP, EMP, learner autonomy, language learning strategiesAbstract
The purpose of this research was to find out the level of learner autonomy, the use of language learning strategies and examine the relationship between them in the English for Medical Purposes (EMP) program in Turkey. The study also aimed to shed light on EMP learners’ and their instructors’ perceptions regarding ESP instruction. In this mixed-method study, the data were collected from two questionnaires applied to gather information on the level of learner autonomy, and the frequency of the use of learning strategies; a placement test administered at the very beginning of the semester, and semi-structured interviews conducted with the participating learners and their instructors. The findings revealed that the students were moderately autonomous. Social and metacognitive learning strategies were most frequently used by the participants. Additionally, there was a varied relationship between learner autonomy and the use of learning strategies. However, no significant correlation was found in their proficiency level. Finally, both EMP students and their instructors shared positive perceptions of ESP instruction.
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