Technology of Training of Future Teachers of Preschool Education Institutions to Work with Creatively Gifted Children
creativity, talent, preschooler, future educatorsAbstract
In the new conditions for the development of the Ukrainian society, studying intelligence, psychological mechanisms, and pedagogical means of developing creative talent becomes especially relevant, which is becoming one of the priority tasks of scientific research. This is due to several factors the intellectual abilities of humans are considered a powerful potential of human civilization, the development of which can significantly improve the quality of any social reforms. Creativity is an integral part of human spirituality and a prerequisite for personal freedom, serves as a social mechanism that resists the regress of society, taking into account that only the work of the intellect can provide the possibility of new knowledge. Components of giftedness are given: high intellectual level, the person’s ability to creativity, persistence. The main characteristics of a creative personality are highlighted.
It is noted that an educator’s training consists of the innovative nature of the pedagogical activity, which requires adjustment of the teacher’s professional culture and his/her value orientations, a fundamental change of direction in the methodology and methods of work. It is emphasized that the main purpose of our experimental research is to test the effectiveness of the technology of preparing future educators to work with creatively gifted children; confirmation or refutation of the research hypothesis; making a description of the experimental study, analysis of its results.
In pedagogical theory and practice, a significant amount of research related to the identification of giftedness has been developed, and programs have been developed to help children realize their abilities. These issues are reflected in such state documents as the Law of Ukraine "On Extracurricular Education" (2000), the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On State Support of Gifted Youth", "Program of Work with Gifted Youth for 2006-2010", the purpose of which is creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the Ukrainian people, search, support and stimulation of intellectually and Technology of training of future teachers of preschool education institutions to work with creatively gifted children creatively gifted children and youth, self-realization of the creative personality in the modern educational space.